Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vacation or Furniture

So, KT and I went to dinner with Baba the other night and during our nice dinner she suggested that we should take a final getaway for a weekend or so before the babies get here. She told us that it may be our last chance for a very long time to go somewhere just the two of us. Wow! we thought. That is a great idea. A weekend alone before the Tornado that looms hits. KT and I are realist after all and know that getting away with three small children is probably not going to happen all that often. With that thought in mind KT and I began discussing where we wanted to go. I suggested Vegas. I have never been and would love to take it in. We could see some shows, eat good food maybe even gamble a little. It was perfect! KT is off work and we have the best babysitters money could buy so we would be set. I was ready to go! Finger on my IPAD trigger just waiting for her to give me the go ahead to push the button and lock our reservation at the world famous Bellagio. Vegas here we come. Lights! Camera! Action! Just a split second before I hit the switch KT said to wait. "Before we do anything lets sleep on it" she said. "I just want to make sure this is what we really want to do" was her thought. With that we fell asleep.
The next day we awoke with much the same vigor as the night before. We knew we wanted to get away but for some reason this day we felt a little different about WHERE we wanted to go. Throughout the day we discussed different options. There was always Vegas but we also included the Smokey's, Chicago and the beach. We knew we could book a flight to the beach and stay a mom and Wills's beach house and both really love the beach so that seemed like the most logical answer. So, we were settled. We were going to the beach for our Last Chance Getaway! It was going to be a blast. Only, when I got home that night our grand plans ran into a slight snag. You see, that was also the first day that I was unable to get to the hospital to see the kids. We were slammed at work and by the time I was done it would be to late to visit. I felt horrible. I missed them so much. It had only been a day but it felt like forever. Reality crashed down on us like a wave. If I felt so guilty and worried missing just one day with the babies and was still in town how would we feel being 500 miles away for 3+ days? Well, the answer was simple. KT and I agreed that we would feel horrible being away. What if something happened? It was a risk that we could not take. On top of that, they are just so stinkin cute!!! KT and I both think about them none stop and can't wait to see them everyday. As cliche as it is to say, they are our sunshine. They bring the light to our life. They are our precious babies :)
So, after much debate, we decided that instead of taking a vacation away we would spend our denaro on a couple new pieces of furniture. I mean, heck, we were gonna spend it anyway so we might as well get some cool stuff out of it right?? Take a look below as we show off our new stuff.

Living Room

New NightStand 
New Hutch. Thanks DeDa and Mimi for Putting on the Hardware!

Little Better View (Artwork is on its way!)

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