Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Week Old!

Hey guys! We are all doing great and made it 1 week. Yay!  Everyone is rockin and rollin along. The babes had brain scans yesterday to check for bleeding in their brains and all came back negative. That is WONDERFUL news for us. Premies have a tendency to have bleeding and it can lead to cystic fibrosis among other things. Tomorrow all will get newborn screening bloodwork that will check for basic health screens or something (I asked KT and she said I don't need to go into all the details :} Anyway, thanks for all your prayers and support. IT IS WORKING! KEEP IT UP. All babies grew a little over night with Kade being our biggest mover and shaker. He was up 3 ozs. WOW! Here are some pics of KT and I with them today. (Big shout out to Baba for the pics of KT and Maggie - Way to go hot mama!)

First off though. KT wants to show everyone how to do a cartwheel :)

Mamma and Maggie

Daddy and Larkin
Larkin Reaching for Mamma

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... Nice pic .. Rhett. Starting to think I may have to discipline my husband more than my children... Yes cartwheels probably one of my many lost talents since becoming a mother of 3!
