Thursday, July 28, 2011

Daddy's Girl and Mamma's Boy

Tonight was truly one of the most special nights in my life. For the first time ever I got to hold my baby girl. As I sit here now trying to think of the right words to describe the experience I am having a difficult time. How does one describe perfection? The only answer I can think of is you don't. Each of us experiences that feeling differently. Some find it in a beautifully scribed song. Others find it on a foggy creek bed with an early morning sunrise. Many find it on a muggy Saturday in Knoxville amongst 100,000 of your closest friends all clad in the most beautiful shade of orange and singing rocky top at the top of your lungs. I just found it in my 3lb 14oz baby girl. Maggie - Wow, just saying her name makes me weak at the knees. I only met her two days ago and I already love her with a depth that I have never felt before. Her perfect little lips could bring anyone to their knees. Her delicate pink skin that ,to me, feels as soft as a feather and holds together her perfect little self is amazing and new. She is my angel. My little little love bug.
Maggie, you are and always will be Daddy's Girl :)

I want everyone to think about the most beautiful thing that they have ever seen in their life. Maybe its a stunning purple and pink sunset, or the view from the top of a mountain in the winter. I know what mine was. In fact, it happened just the other day. It was seeing my beautiful wife hold her baby boy Kade for the first time. The sparkle in her eyes was undescribable(sp). It had a child like innocence/feel really. Do you remember being 5 or 6 years old when your parents got you the Christmas present that you absolutely HAD TO HAVE? Now try and remember what your eyes and face looked like when you shredded the wrapping paper away and realized that your dreams had come true. (Mine was a shinny red go cart that Rusty and I received when we were about 10 or so! - On side note, please warn your children not to ride their go carts on the Church soccer fields across the street from your house b/c they will probably lose their riding privledges pretty fast) That is what Katie looked like. The glow in her eyes as the nurse handed him to her was unmistakable. This was HER baby boy. (Larkin, I promise I'm not leaving you out. Mamma love you just as much its just that we haven't had a chance to hold you yet. Hang in there though. We'll have a story about you big noggin soon enough) SHE made and carried him kicking like a jack rabbit (His nickname is Thumper) for 7 months. Now she was able to truly "carry" him. In the flesh and blood. Her face told me everything I needed to know. KT is/does love our babies with all her heart. To her, Kade and Larkin will always be Mamma's Boys.

Love you guys! Rhett

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