Saturday, February 4, 2012

6 Months and Mommy's B-Day

I really cannot believe that our babies are 6 months old. It seems like only yesterday I was sitting outside the delivery room with great anticipation of the moments ahead of me. What was it going to feel like to be a father? What were my kids going to be like? Are there really 3 in there? Well, needless to say, yes there were 3 in there and being a father is great. The kids are everything I hoped that they would be and more. The changes they have made from the 3.5lb preemie babies to the 15-18lb healthy babies has been outstanding. They literally change every single day. Larkin has gained on average 2lbs a month. That's half a pound a week. That would be the equivalent of me gaining roughly 30lbs a week. Its just outstanding. I can honestly say that i didn't know what to expect but the greatest surprise for me has been how fast they are growing. All three are now rolling over. In fact, I just witnessed Larkin go from stomach to back for the first time today. All are reaching out and grabbing objects and putting them in their mouths. They have finally started to acknowledge each other. Larkin reached out and held Maggie's hand this morning. It was pretty sweet. They are all eating oatmeal mixed with formula and they are all sleeping through the night for the most part. (I think Katie may beg to differ with this point after last night) It has only been 6 months on one hand but it has been a action packed 6 months for sure. Every day has a new adventure to try. Small bottles move to large bottles. Preemie formula move to regular formula and now to Oatmeal. Preemie diapers to size 1 and now size 2. Preemie clothes to 3-6 month and in some cases 6-9 for Larkin. Feed every 3 hours now to every 4 and eventually to every 4 during the day and stop at 7pm. The babies eyes, ears, hands, feet, heads and all have changed so much.  Kade is on the verge of crawling. In fact, i think it will only be another couple weeks before he does. Maggie has mastered her pelvic thrust and even completes it with a perfect gymnast stiff landing(Good job pointing that out JP). Larkin loves, loves, loves to be held and rocked. He came out the gates as our easiest child but has made a hard run the past few weeks to become the neediest. Kade loves to be on the ground so he can roll around and explore. He, generally has been our best napper and the easiest during the day. All of the kids have smiles that can brighten any mood. I've been working from sun up to sun down and four of the past 5 sat but every time i get home it only takes a giggle from Maggie or a face caked in oatmeal like Larkin usually is or Kade smiling from ear to ear (Kade) when i hold him in the air like superman to bring me back to what is really important in life. Yes, its been six life changing months for Katie and I but I thank God (and Katie) everyday for our blessings. I know I've said it before and I'll say it again. This experience is one that I will cherish forever. It has been amazing watch these beautiful children develop at their own rate. (as we speak Kade is sitting in my lap trying to help Daddy type this blog while mom puts the other two down for their naps) Are there times Katie and I look at each other and say "man this is hard!" absolutely. It happened this morning. I'm not saying its all rosy. Its been an adjustment b/c we never stop. The reason the blog gets updated so infrequently now is because we just don't have the time. Katie and I are on the move from 5:30am to usually 8pm or so. By the time we get everyone to bed we are usually so exhausted that we spend 30 or so mins talking about our day before we are off to sleep.But there are also the times when we look at each other and say "Man this is the greatest blessing in the whole world" I wish Nikola Tesla or Stephen Hawking could invent a machine where everyone who wanted to could move out of their body and into mine when i have those moments. I'm sure all parents feel that way at sometime or another but I truly believe with three at the same time mine has to be amplified. All told its been an incredible 6 months for our family. We are so blessed and so excited to see what the next 6 months hold for us.

Here are some pictures of the munchkins as well as some pics for sweet Katie's B-Day. They kids told me what they wanted to do so we made it happen. Enjoy


Larkin, you ready for your Oatmeal???

I got a feeling that this won't be the last time this will happen

Bitzy and her babies

Kade Man

Daddy and his boys

The most important women in my world

Brothas Yo!

Sis and Kade ready for their bath

"Bath, Shooooot I am the king of bathtime"

Larkin is shy :) - Maggie...  not so much 


My Girl!

Gettin Ready for Bed

Yes they do!!!

Love this pic

At least Maggie thinks Daddy is funny


Where ya goin Kade??

The gangs all here

Fordham Triplets Rule!!

I think we need to stop putting the peanut butter on their fingers 

Help! Kade's Escaping!

Just a we bit bigger than 6 months ago

Momma and Her Chicks

Happy B-Day Mommy

Is she close? Is she here?

So Dad,  tell me the truth does this hat make my head look pointy?

I hope she like the cake we got her. I know i will!

Seriously Dad??? Did you have to put the pointy thing on my head??

SHHH! She's coming in!


Happy B-Day Mommy!

Great Surprise

1 comment:

  1. Peggie sat behind me at work (vandy) I just recently left vandy. But I love this blog are great Rhett at writing. And the babies are adorable!!! Love them!!!
