Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Night In Our Lives

So, i get asked quite a bit about how Katie and I are able to take care of 3 newborns by ourselves. "You have to be exhausted" or "How do you find time to do everything with three" or "I can barely do it with one I have no idea how I would survive with Three" are some of the most common comments heard. Well, I decided to take a few home videos and post them so people can get an idea of exactly what we do on a daily basis to take care of our little baby angels. In particular, these videos will focus on the night time routine.

Boiling it down to just numbers the night time routine can take anywhere from 2.5 to 3 hours. During our routine we have a number of different phases or steps that we have to go though. Those steps are as follows:

1. Get Bottles and Oatmeal Ready for the babies - The babies will eat between 2-5 scoops/Tablespoons (guess who gets the 5) of Oatmeal  and between 6-8 ounces of Formula. This usually takes about 10 mins

2. Feed Oatmeal to Babies - (They get their Oatmeal only one time a day and its before their baths) This usually takes between 30-45 mins

3. Bath the Babies - Directly after feeding them their Oatmeal its off to bath time. We usually will bath whoever if fussiest first because the baths sooth them and relax them. This usually takes 30 mins or so for all three

4. Bottles - This is the babies last feeding of the day and the will not eat again for 10-11 hours so we want to make sure they have enough sustinance to sustain them till the next morning. (otherwise, we will be up all night with hungry babies - AKA Larkin) This usually takes 30-45 mins

5. BedTime - This is where we take each baby, put them in their sleep sacks, lower lights, turn on music and rock each to sleep or till they are almost asleep. It usually takes about 5-10 mins for each baby to finish this step. However, we can expect for at least one and maybe all three to wake up within the first 15-20 mins and need some soothing or a binky.

Once done with all it is usually about 8pm. Katie and I would have been on the go since at least 6 am (Not including getting up in the night with them if need be) and are ready to crash out. We are usually asleep within the hour or sometimes 2 after the kids are. then its time to get up and do it all over again.

Take a peak at the videos below. I've limited each video from about 3 mins to 9 mins so you may not get the whole idea but I think what is on these will at least open the door a little to our world for everyone.


P.S. I have a tendency to talk in baby talk in this video just because i've done it so much with them. Please don't judge me. K? Thanks :) Oh, and I'm not a good film maker so if you get sick from all the bobbing up and down I apologize in advance :(

Step One Bottle Prep

Bottle Prep Cont'd on To Oatmeal

Step 2 - Oatmeal

Step 3 - Bath Time

Step 4 - Bottle Time

Step 5 - Bed Time

Step 5 Bed Time Cont

Step 5 - Final Bed Checks

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