Sunday, November 13, 2011

Megan Comes To Town!

Thursday night Katie's bff Megan Toone, aka SweetTease or Tooner, flew into town from Austin to visit the Fordham's and meet the Trio for the first time. It was love at first sight for Ms. Megan and the Trio too. It seemed as if they had known her for their entire 105 days. In fact, the first night and morning Meagan took turns feeding each baby and all three felt comfortable enough to spit up on her. However, the most incredible thing about her with the babies was not that she had an instant bond with each. It was the fact that Megan Toone may quite possible be the best burper on the entire planet. Seriously, If you have just had a baby and are having trouble getting consistent burps out of them I highly recommend you give Megan a call. Her patience and persistence helped her get a burp each and every single time that she tried. I have a sneeking suspision that she may actually be leading a secret double life as a "Baby Burp Wisperer". It truly is a God given gift and such a wonder to behold :)

I am so happy that Megan made the Trip and was able to give KT such a well earned and deserved break. They were able to visit downtown Franklin, go to PD's, and even get there toes did up :) Not to mention, we had a super awesome dinner with friends Friday compliments of chef-boy-r-Rhett. And in case you were wondering, my food was da bomb! So, take a few mins and enjoy to video of the party and of Megan teaching the Trio that the wheels on the Bus really do go round and round. (And I think there was a line about the babies on the bus bouncing up and down, which kind of scared Larkin because he hopes when he is on the bus his butt stays flat on the bench seat. Ha)

                                                             Party, Party, Party Time!!

                                                  Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

Megs with Maggie

Tooner and Mr. Kade

Handsome Fellows!

Blue Steel Baby

Uncle Russ and the Dessert Queen Leslie

Headed out for a Walk

Gang is all Here

Happy Trails Guys

Our Hunk of Love

You bet I'm a Hunk!

Bitzy and the boys!

Pretty Grandma and her Babies

Look Ma, we can sit up!

They are getting so big so fast!

Wat up Pops?

Aren't they just the cutest guys ever!

Mamma and Kade sharing a laugh

Already perfecting my "It wasn't me mom!" grin   

1st Day of Class with Ms Megan 

Larkin getting directions.. Maggie Listening and Kade not paying attention.. . wonder if we will see this scenario again?!?

Oh how we adore Auntie Megs

We will miss you so much!!! Now, Come back real soon! 

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