Sunday, August 26, 2012

Minivan, picnic, pizza and grocery store

Well, its official. I can no longer consider myself cool. I, well actually Katie is, am the oh not so proud new owner of a Minivan. Yep, you did just witness a pig fly by your window. And I'm pretty sure the Devil now needs a space heater in his office because every ounce of macho that I had has been sucked out of me faster than Larkin can slurp down a sippycup full of apple juice. I knew it was coming. Heck, it was inevitable. I was fully aware that my days being known as "Beast" and "Hams" were going to be coming to an end. Only to have such machismo spouted by friends and teammates be replaced by tiny children's voices referring to me as "Da Da" and "Daddy". I have to admit, I'd gladly accept the later any day of the week but its still tough. Giving up a macho mans view of the world for a fathers view isn't always the easiest thing for men to do. Especially for me. Growing up a lot of boys are told phrases like, "Take no prisoners" and "Kick A-- and take names later". It is impressed upon so many of us to never give up and do whatever it takes to outlast the other guy in whatever sport or competition you are in. We dedicate ourselves to practice and spend hours upon hours perfecting our craft. Whether its hitting a baseball or strumming a guitar there is always an inner drive to be the best. And if you can't be the absolute best than at least be better than most. Its how men define their lives. Its how we develop so much of our self worth. I will always remember myself as the two sport athlete. I was pretty good in both. As time goes by however, I've come to realize that those past accolades or beliefs do not actually determine the kind of person that one is. Yes they are a piece of that person. They may help someone decide upon a certain path in life or help them reach a dream but they do not define who the person is inside. Our actions towards the people we love determine that. Are we willing to make sacrifices for those people. Are we willing to put your wants and needs aside and put theirs up front and center. That is what truly defines who a person is. Which leads me to the minivan purchase. I'll admit,  I've given Katie a lot of good natured ribbing about buying it and I swore up and down that I would never be caught dead in one. I told her that even if we did buy one she could bet her pretty little self that this dad would never drive it. And yes, I'll admit that there was a part of me that did feel a little bit that way. But  no matter how macho or tough I may want to believe I am I am no match for the three rosy cheeked semi-toothless grins standing in their cribs smiling at me each morning. Those boys and that sweet little girl deserve the safest and most comfortable mode of transportation available to them and if that's a Minivan then so be it. Not to mention there is a super mom that loves all the mommy features the car provides. So, if you are out there reading this and thinking to yourself that "I don't care what he says, I'd still never drive a minivan"then you and I did have a lot in common. After all, I said it for years and years. Heck, I fought it for the past year or so but in the end I think its going to be the best decision I ever made.

Take a look for yourselves

Fordham Family Truckster

Mamma's new cockpit

Maggie, what do you think about your new transport?

I get the back row all to myself now Daddy!

A few weeks ago Katie and I took the kids on their first picnic. We packed them into the care and went to the Cottonwood clubhouse playground. We had grilled cheese's and bananas for lunch. Maggie walked around the playground nonstop, Kade had his first ride on a slide and Larkin hung out in the swing. Take a look

Grilled Cheese! Yummy

We like picnics

This ground feels weird

Daddy, will you take me down the slide?


So, the Doctor gave us the OK to give the kids pizza so we made a cheese pizza the other night and the kids LOVED it. Check out the aftermath below


Yummy to my tummy

More Please!

Why you been holding out on us man?

If you show this picture to anyone I'll throw my bottle at you

That was GOOOOOD Clark


Mommy, where did you go with our pizza?

Lastly, since we officially own a Minivan now we decide the other morning that we should load up the family truckster and take the family to the grocery store for the first time. We love the shopping carts for the kids! 

Kade, this is my favorite place in the whole world :)

Baby Nascar team here we come

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