Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fourth of July and Pool Time

Sorry for the delay in the posting everyone. It has been a very busy couple of weeks for us. Here are some pics of the 4th of July and a little video of the kids playing in their kiddy pool.

Oh, and stand by for a great video a little later today!!!

Happy 4th from Mama and Kade Man

I love my skirt

You talkin to me?

Yes Larkin he is talkin to you. Now please take my lead and smile already so he will stop taking these pictures

I was a big Firework. Let me show you what it did


4th of July fun at Aunt Becky and Uncle Ray's pool

Why yes Aunt Kay, we would love to have some watermelon

See, we will even show you our stand up skillz for some of that wonderfully delicious fruit

I think Maggie was more ready to get in the pool then have  a picture with Daddy

Maggie, You are SO SO Beautiful!!!

At the farm with Katie's family

Lunch Time!!!

I want to be a cowgirl when i grow up Daddy

We Love playing with cousin Melissa at the pool!

The water was so much fun

Let me ask you a question

Miss Janice, can you please send me a chair like this for my house

Hey, don't hold out on me! Just cause i'm not one yet doesn't mean i don't like freezer pops!

Bottle!!! Chug, Chug, Chug

1 comment:

  1. I had a blast with them on the forth! Yes you both are blessed as are we to have them in our family! Just love them and you and Katie!
