Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Two Weeks - My Promise

Larkin, Kade and Maggie,

This posting is for you guys. Today is Tuesday August 9th 2011. Exactly two weeks ago the three of you were born. That day is officially the greatest day of my life. (KT please please please don't take that personally. Our day is definitely in the top 10. Ha J/k Its in the top 5 :) Every time I go to the hospital to visit the three of you my heart swells. It fills up like a balloon. I swear one day its going to burst with the amount of pride and joy that fills it upon seeing you. I think about the three of you guys every minute. I have pictures in my head of your sweet faces and I regularly close my eyes and picture your tiny hands or fingernail size noses. Part of me doesn't want you to grow at all! I pray that I will always be able to remember all of you just the way that you are at this moment. Now of course I know that is not 100% possible. Every day you change. Every day you get better. Every day you get bigger. Lets take today for example. Larkin you weighed 4lb5oz. You were 4lb3oz yesterday and only 4lbs when you were born! Kade, you are now 4lbs! Yesterday you were 3lb13ozs and only 3lbs8oz at birth. Its amazing. And my sweet Maggie. You are up from 3lbs14ozs to 4lbs today. I can visually see the changes in all of you every day. However, my pride in you is not what I want to talk to you about. What I do want to talk to the three of you about is my promises i want to make to each of you. So, here goes

(First off, I hope all of you understand that I am not perfect. I am simply a man. And like every man I do have flaws(Just ask your mother) and am going to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to raising you. But I want you to know that no matter what happens and how stupid I may seem at times I always have your best interest in mind. I want nothing but the best thing for all of you guys. There will be times that you do not see that. There will be times that you think I am trying to hurt you in some way. I am here now to tell you that that will not be the case. While there will be some things our of my control there are a number of things that I can control. I've listed those below. Of course, There will probably be more that I can add to this list later)

 I promise to always make the best decision for us when tough times arise. I promise to provide a roof over your head. I promise to always put food in your mouths. I promise to clothe you. (Please don't hold it against me if you don't like your clothes. That is really going to fall on mom to pick) I promise to support you in every decision that you make provided we have talked about all scenarios. I promise to teach you how to fish. I promise to teach you to hit a baseball. I promise to help you with your homework. I promise to help you with girlfriend (or boyfriend) problems. I promise to show you how to make great mac and cheese. I promise to play with you in the back yard. I promise to buy you a dog. (At some point) I promise to take you on vacations to the beach. I promise to let your grandparents spoil you.    I promise to not spoil you myself. I promise to teach you how to tackle properly. I promise to give you the opportunity to learn to play the guitar. I promise to let you sing in the shower. I promise to let you watch movies. I promise to let you have friends over. I promise to let you go visit friends. I promise to let you play in the creek. I promise to let you build a fort out of the pillows on the couch. I promise to let you build a tent out back and camp out. I promise to wrestle with you. I promise to get Rusty to teach you to shoot a jump shot. I promise to get you mom to teach you to kick a soccer ball. I promise to take you to a Titans game. I promise to take you to a Vols game. I promise to teach you how to respect your elders. I promise to teach you how to say "Yes sir and No sir" (or maam) I promise to teach you to play fair. I promise to teach you not to cheat. I promise to teach you the golden rule. I promise to teach you (boys) how to treat women. I promise to teach you not to judge other people. I promise to teach you how to draw (probably just stick figures if thats ok) I promise to treat your mother well. I promise to love your mother with everything I have. I promise to teach you to take care of your bodies. I promise to teach you that it is ok to laugh. I promise to teach you that its ok to cry. I promise to always have an open ear if you need to talk.


1 comment:

  1. Mac & cheese - glad it's at the top of the list. And Daddy - you do make some kick @$$ mac & cheese.
